Siden august 2024 har Trine og Thomas stået i spidsen for KFUM’s Soldaterhjem i Letland. De er netop rejst hjem til Danmark for at overtage lederrollen på KFUM’s Soldaterhjem i Oksbøl. Inden hjemrejsen havde den canadiske general i NATO-lejren sagt, at han ville komme forbi soldaterhjemmet og sige pænt farvel. Hvad de ikke vidste, var, at han havde en hel delegation med sig samt to ”Commanders coin” (chefens mønt) og et diplom til Thomas og Trine.
En øverstbefalende har anerkendelsesmønter til uddeling ved exceptionelle bedrifter og udtrykker den taknemmelighed, som chefen ønsker at udtrykke.
”Vi er meget ydmyge og blev faktisk meget berørte, da vi lige havde forstået, hvad det hele var for noget,” fortæller Trine Jakobsen.

Her er ordene fra generalen, som er skrevet på diplomet:
Trine and Thomas graciously volunteered to host the YMCA Soldiers’ Home in Camp Valdemar, Adazi, Latvia, from mid-August through mid-October 2024.
They have been excellent hosts from day one. Not only have they delivered hours and hours of labor baking for soldiers and entertaining with Bingo and other activities, but they have also turned out to be great characters, very caring, fun to be around, as well as fantastic team mates and colleagues through and through.
They have delivered way beyond what could be expected from them. Always open minded, always welcoming and always ready to support the individual as well as the Danish and multi-national mission. As an example of this they have supported and hosted receptions for numerous guest as seen on the occasions of TOCA of DANCON to Multi-national Brigade Latvia, the Camp Valdemar Opening Ceremony, and the Danish Veterans’ Day (Flag Day).
Their version of the YMCA Soldiers’ Home have stood out as the true heart and soul of Camp Valdemar, and we thank them deeply for their hard work, their dedication to the soldiers’ well-being and their friendship not least.
We wish them all the best on their future adventures, and we all hope to get a chance to visit them one day at their new posting in the YMCA Soldiers’ Home by the Oksboel Training Area in Denmark.
Well done!
Vi ønsker Trine og Thomas stort tillykke med den velfortjente anerkendelse! Velkommen hjem til Danmark og på soldaterhjemmet i Oksbøl.

KFUM’s Soldatermission har sendt et nyt lederpar til Letland. Vi bringer ikke deres navne af særlige private hensyn. De skal lede soldaterhjemmet i Letland indtil jul, hvor de danske soldater rejser hjem.